Wednesday, 26 November 2014

What is wrong with Physics?

For more information you could use perhaps

What is wrong at the Quantum Level?

At astronomical scales.

The secret of Dark Matter Black Hole based Micro Comets.

Some Q-FFF related experiments.

Sprites, Ball Lightning and other micro-Dark Matter Black Holes

Several examples of Quantum Knot Ball Lightning or "micro Dark Matter Black Holes", created by electro magnetic Interference: Micro Comets, Sprite fireballs and Ball Lightning. 

Solar Bright spots seem to be comparable with earth bound Sprites. .

According to Quantum FFF Theory, Sunspots are supposed to be dual systems of  former Comets (or better micro black holes)  responsible for the so called “Coronal Cells” or “Bright points” found at the solar surface and for solar convection.    These Bright spots are supposed to represent newly formed Magnetic interference micro black holes, just like interference fireballs observed in Sprites on earth.   <a
If dual systems of micro sunspots have a vertical orientation to the surface, it is assumed to accelerate convection and inteference processes.      Astroids observed in the Oort cloud, the Kuiper belt and inner astroid belt, are supposed to be the result of the expelled solar Micro black holes. The sun is a real comet popper. ( see figure 120)
solar fire balls are interference black holes!.

Electric Interference Micro Black holes are the origin of Micro Comets and Ball Lightning. (inset: the self propelling plasma tail pushing the ball lightning against the opposing wind) =VIOLATION OF THE 2E LAW.

Electric Dark Matter Black Hole Comets and Icy remnants of high altitude Ball lightning (e.g. Hyperion respectivily  Megacryometeors ).
According to Quantum FFF Theory, even Nano interference Black Holes 
have a radial structured electric potential horizon layer (internal positive-protons and external negative electrons charged). They produce H2 and 
water leading to the icy nuclei of Comets, Ball Lightning and Megacryometeors. The origin: a Fermion repelling horizon of the black hole,

The Dark Matter Black Hole splitting Big Bang without Plasma Inflation.

The Inflation Epoch is not for Plasma Inflation, (Standard Model) but for DMBH splitting into the Lyman Alpha forest and evaporation into the massless oscillating Higgs field (Dark Energy). 
DMBH= Dark Matter Black Hole.

The Splitting Dark Matter- Black Hole- Big Bang 
and the Cyclic Multiverse.

CP symmetric Anti-Copy Universes, as the base for wave function collapse.

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the collapse of the wavefunction is assumed to be triggered by real particle collisions with instant entanglement between (anti-) COPY universes. So there is  Charge and Parity symmetry between the entangled particles living in opposiing universes. Each particle is its own observer!! Each human has to deal with one or more opposing anti-COPY humans. 

According to Quantum FFF Theory, the CPT symmetric Raspberry Multiverse is the result of a fractal shaped splitting and evaporating dark matter black hole process creating the Lyman Alpha structure in the universe.

The existance of "galaxy tendrils"inside voids, is a strong indicaion for a Black Hole splitting fractal inflation as part of the evaporating Black Hole Big Bang.
  Weirdness in cosmic web of the universe: Faint strings of galaxies in 'empty' space arranged in way never before seen.

Polar Ring Galaxies are examples how the gravity of  Galaxy Anchor Black Holes ( GABHs) play a role to disperse the stars of dwarf galaxies around the poles.
Dark matter black holes (point sources) are depicted with dwarf galaxies ( Red stars) in between.
Not sterile Neutrinos with 3.5KeV x-ray emission but new paradigm black holes are the x-ray origin found around galaxy clusters.

Dwarf Galaxy formation between Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) as the Origin of stellar migration forming Polar Ring Galaxies. More GABHs means more Dwarfs means more sources for Stellar migration and bulge formation, according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Pairing dark mattervBlack Holes of the same size tend to form a gas/dust BAR between them at the moment of repulsion away from each other, leaving ion tails behind and forming stable dumbbell structures such as Herbig Haro objects or GABHs ( Galaxy Anchor Black Holes).

Fractal distribution by Darkmatter Blackhole evaporation of the BH Big Bang.

Dwarf Galaxy formation between GABHs.

Lightspeed variability relation with impedance of free space or vacuum,. See:

Quote: Mar. 25, 2013 (science daily) — Two forthcoming European Physical Journal D papers challenge established wisdom about the nature of vacuum. In one paper, Marcel Urban from the University of Paris-Sud, located in Orsay, France and his colleagues identified a quantum level mechanism for interpreting vacuum as being filled with pairs of virtual particles with fluctuating energy values. As a result, the inherent characteristics of vacuum, like the speed of light, may not be a constant after all, but fluctuate.
So consciousness is based on the chance of particle pinball machines in 12? COPY universes.

God plays dice on 12 pinball machines at the same time located in 12 separated but entangled pulsating universes.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

New Comet Theory by the Quantum FFF Model with plasma production and even 2e Law violation.

Boulder production at Composite photo of Philae with surrounding "rocky alike"  black ? (or even reddish : PP confirmed: solid ice  !!) material equipped with cracks, with boulder production  potential ! 
Arrows show cracks in solid ice rocks, a tell tale for ice boulder production at growing funnel summits, according to Quantum FFF Theory. (See also former comet Hyperion)

The principle of our Electric Universe.
Birkeland Alfven current circuits of ions and electrons, between new physics (dual charged micro)-Dark Matter Black Holes, (By BH charge separation) to be found inside dumbbell shaped Comets like 67P C-G, also in Herbig Haro systems, Galaxies and even stellar systems, according to Quantum FFF Theory.  See:" rel="nofollow">
or:" rel="nofollow">

The singing Comet (3 quakes per minute)  assumed to be originated by internal tectonic pressure shocks.
The origin:  Criss Cross Scratches at (carbon blackened water ice) rocky Comet 67P CG.  by plate tectonic motion and internal growth? (3quakes per minute)
According to Quantum FFF Theory, comets are not only eroding iceballs heated by the sun. They also CREATE MATTER like H2O Carbon etc. by one or more internal electric  NEW PHYSICS Dark Matter Black Hole.  Criss cross scratches seem to be the evidence of the tectonic growing process of ice plates into different directions.   The result:
Comet 67P CG is trembling, shaking and quacking, by tectonic motion. Even the magnetic field seems to show 3 quakes per minute.

Potential Philae landing gravity and dust (avalanche) problem, by tilted (non perpendicular) gravity vector and the thick dusty/snowy surface of Comet 67P CG.
Dust/snow layer seems to be 2-3 meter thick, because landslide A, is a clear avalanche of 100x11 meter estimated depth 2-3 meter. All according to quantum FFF Theory .
. What we observe are two avalanches or landslides into the 4-5 hour direction. ( see arrows) 
Based on avalanche (A) The surface material of the comet seems to be fine corny or even snowy with a black colour. suggestion: Carbon dust mixed with Hydroxyl snow?

Comparison of Birkeland Alfven current circuits inside Comets ( 67P by micro BHs)  and Ultra Luminous IR Galaxies ( by dual GABHs: Galaxy Anchor Black Holes) also found inside in Herbig Haro systems and Stellar systems, according to Quantum FFF Theory.  Current circuits are originated by Dual Black Hole Charge Separation.(New paradigm BH)
See: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> 

Quantum FFF Theory properties.
1: Dark Matter is the same as Black Holes, which consume photons and even gravitons but REPEL Fermions due to their propeller shape.
2: Dark Energy is the oscillating ( Casimir) energy of the Higgs Field equipped with a tetrahedron lattice structure.
3: Quantum Gravity = Dual Push= Attraction (Higgs-Casimir opposing Graviton push).
4: The Big Bang is a Splitting Big Bang Black Hole (BBBH), splitting into smaller primordial Splinters and evaporating into a zero mass Higgs particle based Higgs field.
5: So Primordial Big Bang Black Hole splinters (PBBS) evaporate partly into the energetic oscillating Dark Energy Higgs field.
6: Dual PBBSs hotspots, produce central plasma concentration in electric Herbig Haro systems as a base for stars in open star clusters as a start for Spiral Galaxies or later in Super Nova Nebula as a start for a planetary star system.
7: Spiral Galaxies will keep both Primordial Dark Matter Black Holes as
Galaxy Anchor Black Holes (GABHs) at long distance.
8: After Galaxy Merging these GABHs are the origin of
Galaxy- and Magnetic field complexity and dwarf galaxies .
9: Dual Black Hole systems produce Plasma direct out of the
Higgs field because two Higgs particles are convertible into symmetric electron and positron propellers (by BH horizon fluctuations).
10: The chirality of the (spiralling) vacuum lattice is the origin our material universe. (propeller shaped positrons merge preferentially first with gluons to form (u) Quarks.
11: The first Supernovas produce medium sized Black Holes as the base for secondary Herbig Haro systems.
See also:

How DMBH based Comets violate the 2e law of thermodynamics and are the suppliers of primordial plasma.
Conclusion: there was no inflation of plasma in the Big Bang process. 

How Comets violate the 2e law.

 67P Dust jets and Eta Carina jet skirts (like a ballet tutu) by Higgs field pinching of Birkeland Alfven circuits.
Birkeland Alfven current circuits of negative charged ions and electrons, between (New Physics) Dark Matter Black Hole nuclear charge splitters, will be found inside dumbbell shaped Comets like 67P C-G, also in Herbig Haro systems, Galaxies and even stellar systems (e.g. Eta Carina), according to Quantum FFF Theory.

Two Charge splitting new physics black holes are supposed to polarize the local oscillating Higgs field as the origin of negative charged Birkeland Alfven current circuits (Orange arrows) As a consequence jets of dust (Blue arrows) are observed from the “neck”of 67P and the neck of Eta Carina. (below)